A groundbreaking work, “IVF and Ever After” explores in-vitro fertilisation, the impact the treatment has on families and relationships and how to manage the stress it causes.
Author Nichola Bedos explains the critical skills needed to cope with the emotional highs and lows of IVF, the joys of achieving the miracle of life and the long-term challenges of establishing a healthy, functioning family. Using real-life stores and the latest international research, she brings together the most up-to-date information for parents.
“IVF and Ever After” moves beyond the here and now’ to look at the hard issues involved in IVF, such as telling a child about IVF conception, what to do with spare frozen embryos, and the implications of legislation about surrogacy. Couples thinking about IVF treatment, those undergoing treatment and IVF parents who are experiencing emotional lows’ without knowing why will find this an invaluable guide, as will health professionals who work with IVF families.
IVF and Ever After may be securely purchased through Amazon.com by clicking the link.