Osteopathy during pregnancy addresses common issues including lower back, hip / pelvic, and sciatic pain on a daily basis. Our osteopaths can also address other common problems experienced in pregnancy such as headaches, pelvic instability, neck and shoulder pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, leg cramps, fluid retention, and sinus congestion.
Osteopaths work with the soft tissues of the body to facilitate healing, release tension, improve functionality, re-align joints and bones, release stress and restore balance. During pregnancy, significant attention is given to assisting the body to accommodate changes occurring under the increasing load of carrying your baby. During pregnancy your body changes rapidly and the increasing load can have a dramatic effect on posture, and especially on any pre-existing conditions. You may notice new aches and pains or you may notice a worsening of things you have been able to manage before pregnancy.
Osteopathy can support this transition, address conditions as they arise and help your body accommodate the many changes happening rapidly at this time. This care is also essential for ensuring optimal fetal positioning and contributing to positive birth outcomes. Our osteopaths have comprehensive additional training coupled with extensive experience working with pregnant women. Their gentle, expert treatments provide results, relaxation and relief to see you through your pregnancy as comfortably as possible.