What is Cosmetic Acupuncture?
Cosmetic Acupuncture is an ancient technique dating back thousands of years and used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to enhance beauty and skin radiance naturally. It is the insertion of fine needles into the face to stimulate the skin and muscles, and address concerns such as dryness, fine lines and wrinkles, dark, puffy or sagging eyes, discolouration, acne, scarring and much more!
How does it work?
Cosmetic Acupuncture works mainly by causing a ‘micro-trauma’ in the skin, which stimulates collagen and elastin production and increases blood and lymph flow to the face. This is thought to lead to a range of wonderful benefits that acupuncture is known for, including:
- Improving the firmness and elasticity of the skin
- Increasing skin hydration
- Lifting sagging or drooping areas
- Reducing the appearance and depth of fine lines and wrinkles
- Softening scarring and pigmentation
- Brightening the eye area
What to expect from treatments
Many people experience acupuncture as a dull, pinching sensation upon needle insertion that dissipates quickly, however sensitivity varies from person to person. As our skin regenerates and replaces itself approximately every 28 days, 1-2 months of treatment is usually required to see changes in the skin and achieve desired results. Of course, depending on your chosen skin concern, age and constitution, extra sessions may be needed to reach your goals, and realistic expectations will be discussed in your session.
A combination of acupuncture, facial gua sha, facial cupping, jade rolling herbal medicines and lifestyle/dietary advice may be used throughout sessions!
Rather than injecting your skin with chemicals, Cosmetic Acupuncture is a wonderful way to achieve a more youthful and refreshed complexion naturally. As Traditional Chinese Medicine is a holistic practice, treatments will also be aimed at targeting other concerns occurring in one’s body, such as digestive issues, hormonal imbalances and emotional stress, which can all contribute to the health and appearance of our skin. To do this, complementary acupuncture needles will be placed on special ‘grounding’ points on the body. By addressing the skin, mind and the body in all sessions, one is able to achieve a good, holistic harmony, which is essential for having great skin.
Registered Acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner, Kiah McGowan, offers their signature Cosmetic Acu-facial treatments at Fertile Ground Health Group and The Melbourne Apothecary.
Book your initial 90 minute session with Kiah and luxuriate in your refreshed natural glow > Navigate to heading ‘Acupuncture’ > Select ‘Cosmetic Acu-Facial Initial’