Preparation is vital for success
Reflecting on nature’s cycles is an inspirational way to make the changes we need to improve our health. Autumn shows us that it’s a time for change, for letting go of the old and to prepare for the months ahead, all with the promise of something new in the Spring.
With this is mind we have put together news and inspiration to help prepare for your next steps along the journey. We share some top tips from our Naturopaths to make it through the colder months, we have some warming breakfast inspiration to make positive changes one meal at a time and talking about preparation, we’ve included the latest Podcast; sharing the best ways to prepare for birth with natural induction techniques and treatments. For those in a different stage of your fertility journey, don’t miss the fabulous blog discussion about pre-conception care and preparation by Gina Fox.
We hope you find this information useful and enjoy meeting our new practitioners further into this newsletter. At the very least, we hope you use the Autumn months to cosy up, meditate and take the time to reflect on what it is you want to create within yourself and within your life. In the words of Elizabeth Lawrence “Even if something is left undone, everyone must take time to sit still and watch the leaves turn.”
An interview by Naturopath Gina Fox with Acupuncturist Jo Sharkey, and Massage Therapist & Birth Attendant Fiona Harrison on everything you wanted to know about birth preparation and natural induction techniques.
At Fertile Ground we’re receiving more and more referrals from midwives and obstetricians for natural induction using acupuncture, massage and other techniques that have become increasingly popular. More questions than ever are being asked these techniques, so for all the answers have a listen to our podcast.
Preparing the best environment to conceive. Naturopath Gina Fox talks about the importance of planning for a new baby and allowing some preparation time for your own health before you conceive.
Winter is coming!
Have you ever wondered why you are the one that catches every winter illness going around? You could be vitamin or mineral deficient, or just too busy and stressed out. Your body needs adequate rest, along with many different vitamins and minerals to function optimally and keep the winter bugs at bay.
With winter just around the corner now is the time to prepare and address any vitamin and mineral deficiencies or poor immunity before the bugs start getting spread around through sneezes and coughs. It could be as simple as eating better and looking after yourself with plenty of rest or a massage.
If you do feel something coming on, tackle it at the first sign to prevent it getting worse or limit the duration of the illness. Here are the top 5 tips from Naturopath Tina Jenkins, made from things you are likely to have around the house already (if not, stock up on these ingredients to be winter-ready).
Tina’s Cold and Flu Home Remedies
1. Steam Inhalation
Sounds revolting but is quite nice! Great for sore throats and coughs and also just as a daily boost for the immune system over winter. 1-2 cloves of raw garlic (finely chopped or put through a garlic press), add 1 cup of boiling water, honey to taste, fresh lemon juice. Can add slices/grated ginger. Drink at least 1 cup a day as a preventative. If you are sick drink 2-3 cups/day. OR 1-2 cloves raw garlic finely chopped added to soup/casserole just before you eat.
2. Chest rub
Eucalyptus oil chest rub: 4-5 drops of eucalyptus into a 2 tbls base cream/oil (e.g. moisturiser, sweet almond oil, olive oil etc): mix together and rub into chest and throat area especially before bed if you have sinus/nasal congestion.
3. Garlic drink
Sounds revolting but is quite nice! Great for sore throats and coughs and also just as a daily boost for the immune system over winter. 1-2 cloves of raw garlic (finely chopped or put through a garlic press), add 1 cup of boiling water, honey to taste, fresh lemon juice. Can add slices/grated ginger. Drink at least 1 cup a day as a preventative. If you are sick drink 2-3 cups/day. OR 1-2 cloves raw garlic finely chopped added to soup/casserole just before you eat.
Just one teaspoon of the vinegar in 25mls of water and gargle 3-5 x day for a sore throat. If you don’t have apple cider vinegar try salt water instead – 1 teaspoon per half cup of warm water, gargle and spit out.
1 tsp honey (manuka if you have it)
1 clove of garlic crushed
Mix together and leave for the enzymes to break down (this makes the raw garlic much more palatable).15-30 minutes will be long enough and eat. It’s actually quite tasty. Have this once a day.
Meet Our New Practitioners
We are very fortunate to attract some of the best and most experienced professionals who specialise in helping people from conception through to birth and beyond. Meet our new practitioners from left to right: Consuella Garreffa, Remedial Massage Therapist, with Sonia Millett and Amanda Cox-Edwards who are both Acupuncturists and Chinese Herbal Medicine practitioners. Click on their names if you’d like to read more about the amazing experience and qualifications these practitioners have!
Change your habits one meal at a time…why not make it breakfast! Here’s a fabulous, warming recipe for your breakfast tomorrow, from our e-book, The Breakfast Project, written by Milly and Charmaine. If you are interested in The Breakfast Project we have an exciting special offer for you – see below for your coupon code.
The Breakfast Project
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